Deep Space Exploration Society 1296 MHz in September

July 28, 2014 | Filed under: News

On Sunday 20 July 2014, noon local time the Deep Space Exploration Society activated the 60 foot dish at Haswell, CO (east of Pueblo) on 1296.100 MHz. This location has been renamed the Paul Plishner Radio Astronomy and Space Sciences Center. The group worked many RMVHF+ operators including Dave W6OAL, Dennis KK0Q, Bill K0RZ and others.. The operators at the site were KL7YY – Myron, AAØL – Ray and KL7IZW – Steve and maybe a few more. The group plans to activate this location during the September ARRL VHF contest. They had a nice display on Mike Lowe’s table at the PPRAA Megafest and are more than happy to share information on the site and their plans. To learn more about the Deep Space Exploration Society please visit their website and tell them RMVHF+ sent you!
